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.Active Meditation through an Ancient Dance .

This dance is one of the most powerful medicines that brings harmony between the body, mind, and soul.
When we truly dance, we become psychosomatic; the body and mind make peace, and alchemy begins to brew, allowing the expression of the soul without using words, only showing and sharing essence.

When I am asked why I share active meditations, as Osho said, " it's the only way to find inaction."
Dance as much as you can, dance with frenzy, dance with madness. And if all your energy is involved in it, there comes a moment when you suddenly see that the dance is happening by itself, there is no effort in it, it is action without action.

This spiral dance symbolizes for me the process of growth and evolution. It represents the process of returning to the same point over and over again, but at a different level, so that everything is seen in a new light.
From inside to outside, just as the cycle of life dictates.

Earth was born from spiral movement.
The spiral appears in nature and science: it describes the rotation of the universe, the movements of the stars. We find it in galaxies, in the solar system, in the universal code of life, in religion, and in the art of all human cultures.

This helical form is present in the deepest parts of living beings, like the double helix of DNA that encodes our inheritance. Thus, the spiral is a common natural formation in the plant kingdom; it evokes the evolution of a force, of a state. It is continuity, development, emancipation, creational rotation; in one word, the spiral is fertility with all that it implies. It is the beginning and the end, birth, finitude and transformation.

In all ancient cultures, the spiral is the natural form of development and movement, and it has been a symbol of the journey towards eternal life. The spiral shape was used as a mystical symbol of the soul's quest,
representing the path that, by turning, went to the center of the divine, to the direct encounter with God.

The classes are divided into three main blocks:

1. Embodiment and Connection to the Heart

2. Active Meditation Dance

3. Sound Healing

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   "El Sembrao" emerges as a sorcerer of arts and plants within the fabric of time, embarking on his pilgrimage at the tender age of 7.

Born in Andalusia, a land rich in cultural diversity, he grew up dancing the folk dances of southern Spain and delving into the mysteries of Flamenco.

   His footsteps led him down distant paths, where the echoes of Egyptian dervishes, Turkish Sufi dancers, and the gypsies of the Rajasthan desert in India intertwined with the whispers of the flamencos of his beloved Andalusia.

   After a long trance in the lands of India, his home and artistic residence for five years, a new dance hinted at his being: the mystical spiral dance, something he shares as a guide in various corners of the world.


"El Sembrao," magician of duality, defies borders and awakens alchemies by conjuring the essence of the masculine and the feminine with grace, vigor, and subtlety. Amid flames and balances, he has honored the stages of renowned circus companies as a juggler and tightrope walker for over twelve years, mastering fire, pyrotechnics, and the art of fakirism.   

On the magical island of Ibiza, established as his artistic home since 2009, he currently shares his knowledge as a
spiritual guide through this ancient sacred dance, fire flow artist and as a Flamenco teacher.   In 2021, he was appointed Co-director of the Art and Flamenco Center of Seville.



   Miguel Vargas facilitates the first block. He is a highly recognized artist in the world of dance, serving as a teacher and choreographer, and is one of the best flamenco dancers in the world.

He created his own school, which he shares across a large part of the planet, and he directs the Art and Flamenco Center of Seville and his own company, "Miguel Vargas Flamenco Dance Theater."

   Miguel is a magician of biomechanics, and with his magic, he achieves remarkable changes in his students in just one class.

" I believe in empowerment through connection with our inner being and in healing through dance and simply delighting in our own presence.

   Through dance, energy flows more easily, so I transform all my energy into dance until the stagnant energy in my head flows through every part of my body, and I begin to draw lines in continuous movements.

When I dance, my self-imposed limits disappear. When I dance, there is a kind of energy that keeps my mind fresh, young, and alive.



 In my embodiment and connection with the heart class, we will work on our awareness to emphasize the interaction between body and mind.

We not only express mental states (non-verbally) such as gestures, facial expressions, body posture, but the effects also appears in the reverse direction: bodily states influence mental states.


For example, body postures adopted for any reason have effects on cognition (e.g., judgments, attitudes) and emotionality.   

As your meditation deepens, as your identification with the head and heart begins to diminish, you find yourself becoming a triangle. And your reality is in the third force within you: consciousness. Consciousness can handle very easily because both the heart and the head belong to it".


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For more infos contact here:  

(+34) 653 78 74 62    /    /    @active_meditation_dance                                                                                                  


(+34) 653 78 74 62    /    /    @active_meditation_dance                                                                                                  

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